Contracted Insurance:
If we are contracted with your insurance company, we must follow our contract and their requirements. It is the insurance company that makes the final determination of your coverage eligibility. Our billing will verify your benefits with your insurance company and determine if a preauthorization is required.
Non-contracted Insurance:
Insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company. We are NOT a party to this contract, in most cases. We will bill your primary insurance as a courtesy to you. Although we may estimate what your insurance company may pay, it is the insurance company that makes the final determination of your coverage eligibility. You agree to pay any portion of the charges not covered by the insurance.
Past Due Accounts:
If your account becomes past due, we will take necessary steps to collect this debt. We reserve the right to refer your account to an attorney or collection agency. You agree to pay all attorney fees and collection costs incurred in enforcing the terms of this agreement.
Missed Appointments:
If you find that you cannot keep your scheduled appointment, we ask that you cancel at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to cancel with less than 24 hours notice or “NO shows” will result in a cancellation fee of $35.00 per appointment. This charge must be paid in full before receiving any further treatment.
Workers Compensation:
We require written approval/authorization by your worker’s compensation carrier prior to your initial visit. If your claim is denied, you will be responsible for payments in full.
Motor Vehicle Accidents:
In the event your injury is due to a motor vehicle accident we will be billing your health insurance company. You will be held responsible for any copayments, deductibles, and co insurance. Ohio state law allows us to do that.
Effective date: Once you have signed this agreement, you agree to all of the terms and conditions contained herein and the agreement will be in full force and effect.